Playing with a new lens

Playing with a new lens in my backyard.
Cheery yellow flowers

The 50mm f1/8 is a popular lens for street photography. For years, I primarily photographed landscapes and my humorous basset hound Star. Star died, and taking pictures of flowers got old. One day I decided to start taking more pictures of people. Many factors contribute to an expressive candid photo. I have to be in bubbly/chatty mode to start talking to strangers on the street. The subject must be receptive to conversing with a stranger and have a few minutes to spare.

Here’s a photo from the Mission district in San Francisco. The gap-toothed smile of the Arabic woman struck me, with those rosy cheeks. The little girl in her rhinestone-studded shirt and fuzzy tendrils. Mom spoke little English but did understand when I held up my camera. Smiles are universal. Mother and child

Paul Flack, an artist at Raleigh’s Artsplosure, had no problem being himself.Paul Flack

Here’s a photo I took near the corner of Cyril Magnin and Ellis in San Francisco one morning as everyone rushed to work. My intent was to catch the handsome Lenny Kravitz lookalike in front. Somehow, the yawning little guy sneaked in, probably not an intentional photobomb. The yawning interloper

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